Passion Motivation and Wisdom in the World of Early Childhood Education

Two professionals Dr. Stanley I . Greenspan and Dr. Edward Ziegler  has motivated me in my continued journey  in my Master’s program, here are quotes that inspire me the most; and a few extra that share my passion in few words.

Empathy comes from being empathized with. - Stanley Greenspan



The best indicator of quality day care is the kid wants to go there, and doesn't want to go home. - Edward Zigler


diversity quotes for children | This was passed along to me by a regular reader and great American ...:




One thought on “Passion Motivation and Wisdom in the World of Early Childhood Education

  1. I love the quote about the child wanting to go to day care and not go home. I have that happened often when my parents come pick their babies up and they have to pretend to leave them for them to wanna go home with them. It makes me and the parents feel good because they know their babies love the care that they are receiving.


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